TestAnyTime OMR Software






If you require an easy, efficient and accurate way to collect data from examinations, assessments, surveys or questionnaires, TestAnyTime is the perfect solution for you.

TestAnyTime software is a user-friendly, yet powerful form processing solution that helps users scan, collect and analyze data from paper based or digital forms to produce detail reports & results. Simply take your Printed and filled forms. Our software scans completed forms with any common document scanners on the market. You can then analyze your data within TestAnyTime while generating your reports and even exporting the captured data to numerous existing applications.

“TestAnyTime is your comprehensive one stop solution for examination, assessment and data analysis

Quick & Easy Template Designing


                To process the forms you need to make a Template first. It’s very easy to make the Template on your design. You can get MCQ’s Answers, Roll Number, CNIC, Name or anything you want to get and the Image of your desired area like: Name, Father’s Name, Roll Number, CNIC, Exam Center, City, Signatures etc.



Teacher Annotations


                Teacher Annotations is a Unique feature & first time in Pakistan. When you get Students Result you can Export full image of the students Responses with the Correct answers. Green Tick shows the right answer Filled by the student, Red Cross shows Wrong answer and Blue circle shows the Correct answer according to the Answer Key.

Software Generated Annotated Image


Report Charts & Images Clips in Excel


                In our software Now you can get Cropped (your desired areas) Images in Excel sheet. It’s very helpful for cross verification of the Regions which is also filled in Bubbles and you can get image as well to check the filling by the students. And also you can generate various types of Statistical & Graphical Reports which helps you in the Result, Positions, Question Analysis, Test Analysis and many more…




Software Features:


  • Supports OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) Scanner (Optional) & Common Simplex/Duplex Image Scanner. 
  • Supports OMR, Bar-code 1D-2D & QR Code Recognition (Optional).
  • Supports double-sided, multi-page Booklet.
  • Support single, Multiple & Binary answer choices.
  • Link with a Database you create to check questions (E.g. MS FoxPro, MS Access, MS SQL, MS Excel, ODBC)
  • Supports Recognition in Real Time or later processing.
  • Supports virtual scanning (distance scanner).
  • Test result calculation lets you assign mark for each correct, wrong or blank question, It also allows adding and deducting marks for each question.
  • Produces useful reports with 3D graphs & charts.
  • Produces useful Teacher Annotations Images to satisfy the Candidates.
  • Support export of data to many different formats (E.g. ASCII, Rich Text, MS Excel, MS FoxPro, MS Access, CSV, XML, ODBC)
